09 February 2007

DW2K6 Closed

A week has gone by, and no prominent deaths from last week have trickled in.
I'm officially calling DW2K6 closed out.
Roger Mortis will walk away with $140 in fabulous cash prizes.

Thanks for a great year, and I'll see you over at DW2K7

This site will be updated no more.

02 February 2007


Well, it looks like Roger Mortis will be raking in the grand prize this year. We will wait the customary one week for some of the more obscure deaths to roll in, and then we'll make it official.

DeathWatch 2007 has begun .

Congratulations, Roger!

17 January 2007

Time to pay the man...

According to my DW2K6 spreadsheet, there are five three unpaid accounts for this year...

Kato Katonian
Suicide By Douche
O Raio
The Crippler

If you feel that you are on this list in error, contact me. Otherwise, pony up some cash!

Look for next year's rules and the 2007 kickoff post sometime in the next few days.

Remember, the 2007 DeathWatch blog is linked over there in the right-hand column, so get over there and bookmark it!

08 January 2007

Scores updated...

I FINALLY updated the scores today, so check that out.

This is the time of year to start thinking about your list for 2007.

Once again, lists will be due January 31st before midnight.

Also, if you haven't paid for 2006, this would be about the time to do so.

Please note that I resisted the tasteless headline "(No longer) Alive and Kicking" for the USC placekicker who either jumped, fell, or was pushed off a cliff in recent days.

Peace, love, & death!

30 December 2006

Saddam, we hardly knew ya.

I'll take an 's'

People all over the world are mourning the loss of Saddam Hussein. Well, I almost got that one off with a straight face! Even if you're not into executions, you're probably STILL thinking that this was a good idea!

Since Saddam was NOT scheduled to be executed when lists were turned in, anyone who has him (I know at least Kane does)will get the 31 points! Read the rules post if you disagree with him getting the points. If anyone has a problem, email me.

Don't worry, I should be updating the scores soon, I hope, but I fear that Roger Mortis is running away with this one.

And don't get too excited if you had Gerald Ford--just about everyone had him!

27 December 2006

Death is all around us...

That's not love, nor is it Christmas that you feel all around you. It's death. And while I haven't been doing even a passing job of posting all of the death around this place, I'm still keeping track.

We've had Robert Altman pass on, scoring The Shadow his first points.
Dictator Augusto Pinochet kicked it, scoring more points for frontrunner Roger Mortis.
Dead Bradley's stopwatch finally ran out on him a while back (he really deserved his own post).
Mike Evans who played Lionel Jefferson also met his maker.
Recently, The Godfather of Soul, James "I Feel Dead" Brown earned his Great Reward, as Kerberos had foreseen.
Finally, former President Gerald Ford fulfilled the expectations of several contestants by slipping into the great beyond yesterday.

Sorry, no time for witty commentary, but remember, this contest goes through January, so it's not over yet!

13 December 2006

Everybody Loves Deadmond

Peter BoylePeter Boyle, the actor who transformed from an angry workingman in "Joe" to a tap-dancing monster in "Young Frankenstein" and finally the comically grouchy father on "Everybody Loves Raymond," has died. He was 71.

Holy crap, 29 points go unaccounted for by the DeathWatch contestants.